Journalists for Human rights each year marks World Work Day in order to raise awareness of the global water crisis, as well as to remind the activities aimed at achieving the goal of sustainable development (SDGs) 6, which is equitable access to water and sanitation for all by 2030.
The theme of the World Water Day for 2021 is the valuation of water. The value of water is much more than its price – the water has a huge and intricate value for our households, food, culture, health, education, economics and integrity of our natural environment. If we overlook one of these values, we risk poorly management of this irreplaceable resource. SDG’s 6 is to provide water and sanitation for everyone. Without a comprehensive understanding of the true, multidimensional value of water, we will not be able to protect this critical resource for the sake of all.
Be part of the celebration of the World Water Day. Give a question that means for you water? Record on the phone and the footage send us … The most interesting answers will be awarded.
We expect the recordings no later than Friday, March 19, send them to Inbox on our side of Facebook or at
All messages will be published on our Officials of the PB, Instagram and Twitter and its part of our project WatSan, supported by BMUB and in partnership with

WECF International

, @Aquademica, @Womenindevelopment, @MileukontaktAlbania and @Ambassadorforsustainabledevelopmentofenvironment.