This book explores the importance of world journalism in the context of the fight against disinformation.
Through an analysis of the definition of disinformation, examples in the media and the consequences for society and politics, we highlighted the serious challenge that disinformation poses to the integrity of information.
The importance of world journalism was highlighted as a key tool in the fight against disinformation.
Public education was emphasized as one of the most important parts of this effort, with a special focus on critical thinking and media literacy.
In the second part of the book, we explored innovations in technology that have the potential to detect and prevent fake news. From artificial intelligence and social networking profiling algorithms to fact-checking platforms, technology is emerging as a powerful ally in this fight.
We recognized that the successful fight against disinformation required cooperation between journalists,educational institutions and technological innovators. With a dedicated educational and informational campaign, based on ethical journalistic standards and the use of advanced technologies, we can create a society that will be able to rise against the challenges of the digital age and protect the true meaning of free and independent journalism.Suggested steps to combat disinformation in the future.

Journalism in the Fight Against Disinformation